Final Blog!
Why Music Brings us Together Over the years many companies have started playing music out loud for people in hopes to lighten the mood as well as bring us together. It is common for music to be expected in places of public gatherings such as grocery stores or gyms. I have been experiencing this throughout the years and find it to be a fascinating topic that if multiple people listen to the same song then it brings them closer together. The difference between the gym and grocery stores is the atmosphere it creates. Grocery stores try to create a lighthearted atmosphere that eases you while you shop while the gym will have more active and energizing music to get people to be more engaged and active. When I was working at Planet Fitness, us as the staff were allowed to connect to the gym speakers and play music for the people working out. In training we were told that the music needed to be appropriate for all ages as well as upbeat to help the customers work out. While there was us...